Where Every Piece Tells a Tale, and Every Tale Begins with

One Way – Your Way.


We are sisters Ginette and Nathalie, the curators behind Unavia Vintage. Our mutual love for all things vintage, for collecting & thrifting, and our passion for unique designs sparked a shared vision to see past treasures used to create new memorable moments. 

‘Unavia’ always brings smiles, recalling fond memories of our first solo trip without spouses or children. 

Not wanting to waste one moment of our time together we choose an overnight flight to gain a day. At the end of our first full day, we were exhausted from our travels, our very early morning layover in Mexico City, and some serious shopping on no sleep. We found ourselves walking around Antigua, Guatemala looking for our hotel on First Avenue. The patina on the doors, the narrow-cobbled sidewalks, the movement of people, and the aromas wafting from restaurants & homes were pure magic, but we were just…so…tired. 

Big Sister Ginette, who has always had an infallible inner compass took the lead saying “It’s this way” as she turned down UNA VIA.  Little Sister Nathalie followed trustingly. A few streets later, Ginette took another turn up UNA VIA certain of the way. 

Forty-five minutes later Nathalie was grumpy and impatient. “We’ve walked by this restaurant already, but from the other direction”. Suddenly it dawned on us: UNA VIA!!! That’s Spanish for ONE WAY, not First Avenue… Big Sister laughed, Little Sister laughed a little less.

Bonus takeaway from this life lesson is that we also found the wine store as we walked past it more than once! 

Let us help you create your own Unavia memories.